Medicine: All İnternal medicinal branches and, Public Health, phsychiatri, pediatry, pediatric oncology, palliative medicine, althernative medicine, radiation oncology, clinical infection, cardiology, holistic medicine, achupuncture, bioresonance, ozone therapy.etc.
General Surgery: All surgery branches and orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, Obstetricts and gynecology, head, neck nasal surgery, pediatric surgery, plastic and reconstrictive surgery, pulmonary surgery,
Dentistry: Orthodonti, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontology, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontology, Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry
Pharmacy: Pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, phytotherapy forensics branches
Other sciences: Physcology, Nursery, Biology, Midwifery, Holistic, alternative medicine, Immunothrapy
Evaluation of inflammation markers and their association with clinical features in patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
2023 and other voumes in ARCHIVE
SPECİAL İSSUE (Lipids in Aspects of Nutrition, Food Science and Human Health);
Mehmet Gültekin Bilgin1*, Ayşe Güneş Bayır1 , Bilge Özkan1, Dilara Kaya1, Ümmünur Yeşilkuşak1, Şeyma Sümeyye Arslan1
Evaluation of Physico-chemical Properties According to TS 1331 of Butters Sold in Istanbul, Turkey
Ayşe Güneş Bayır1, Mehmet Gültekin Bilgin1*, Bilge Özkan1, Murat İtmez1, Berkay Atacan1, Buğra Yavuz1, Halil İbrahim Yormaz1
The Relationship among Lipids and Human Health
Ayşe Güneş Bayır1*, Aybike Nur Dülger2
Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Performance
Feyzanur Turgay1*, Ayşe Güneş Bayır2
Effects of Brown Adipose Tissue on Human Metabolism and Weight Loss
Duygu Güçlü1, Tuğba Demirkıran1
2021 VOLUME 4(1)
Covid-19 Pandemisinde Kültür ve İnanç Çerçevesinde Emzirme
Breastfeeding from the Frame of Culture and Faith in the Pandemic Process
Selma Hancıoğlu Aytaç1*, Tuba Kızılkaya2
Kolorektal kanser ve beslenme ilişkisi
Colorectal cancer and nutrition relationship
İrem Karakaş1*, Feyzanur Turgay1, Ayşe Güneş Bayır1
Neurodegenerative diseases and special diet types
Nörodejeneratif hastalıklar ve özel diyet türleri
Ayşe Güneş Bayır1*, Fatma Zeynep Yılmaz1, Tülay Sevinç1
Hüriye Şenay Kızıltan1